Undefeated Harvard Mermen Drown Worcester Tech 43-19
Taking five first places, four seconds, and three thirds the University swimming team resumed their winning streak with a 43 to 19 victory over Worcester Polytech in the pool of the Indoor Athletic Building Saturday afternoon.
B.S. Wood '33 was the outstanding performer of the meet, finishing first in the, 50 and 100-yard free style events and swimming anchor man on the relay teams which equalled the Harvard record of 1 min., 39 3-5 secs. The Yale relay team, in defeating Rutgers at New Haven, was clocked at 1 min., 35 3-5 secs.
The summary:
50-yard free style swim--Won by B. S. Wood '33; second, R. D. Fallon '33; third, Osfpowich (W). Time--24 4-5 sec.
100-yard free style swim--Won by B. S. Wood '33; second, Osipowich (W); third, Addison Love '33. Time--54 3-5 sec.
150-yard back stroke swim--Won by Driscoll (W); second, H.V. Athertoll '33; third, Fitts (W). Time--1 min., 52 sec.
200-yard breast stroke--Won by Emerson (W); second, G.C. Larcom '33; third, H.C. Lehman '33. Time--2 min., 48 4-5 sec.
440-yard free style--Won by W.S. delima '31; second, T.H. Jameson '33; third, Tinker (W). Time--5 min., 16 sec.
Dive--Won by J.P. Duane '32; second, Fogg (W); third, R.G. Luckey '31.
200-yard relay race--Won by Harvard; R.D. Fallon '33, W.S. deLima '31, H.C. Hamman '33, B.S. Wood '33; second, Worcester: Holcomb, Perry, Osipowich, Tinker. Time--1 min., 39 3-5 sec. (Equals Harvard record.)
Yale 1934 Swimmers Win Relay, Take Meet 34-28
A two-foot margin in the deciding relay race gave the Yale Freshman swimming team a 34 to 28 victory over the Crimson 1934 swimmers in the final meet of Harvard's initial season, Saturday afternoon in the Carnegle Pool at New Haven.
Captain E.P. Parker '34 was victor in both the shorter free style events and G.L. Jorgensen '34 won in the 220-yard free style swim. The Crimson led 28 to 26 at the start of the relay, and Parker failed by only two feet to overcome the lead which the first three Blue swimmers had given their anchor man, Meffert.
The Freshmen during the season won one of six meets, from Exeter. At Andover, handicapped by the absence of George Wightman '34, they lost by a two-point margin.
The summary:
50-yard swim--Won by E.P. Parker '34; second, Barker (Y); third, 'George Wightman '34. Time--26 sec.
220-yard free style swim--Won by G.L. Jorgensen '34; second, Stewart (Y); third, R.S. Baxter '34. Time--2 min., 32 3-5 sec.
Dive--Won by Loud (Y); second Waters Kellogg '34; third, Williamson (Y).
100-yard back stroke swim--Won by Pierson (Y); second, E.E. Stowell '34; third, R.S. Crosby '34. Time--1 min., 7 4-5 sec.
100-yard breast stroke swim--Won by Savell (Y); second, Anthony (Y); third, E.C. Dearing '34. Time--1 min., 16. sec.
100-yard free style swim--Won by E.P. Parker '34; second, George Wightman '34; third, Hoyt (Y). Time--39 1-5 sec.
200-yard relay race--Won by Yale; Sachs, Young, Parker, Meffert; second, Harvard; Wightman, Jorgensen, Dillingham, Parker. Time--1 min., 43 4-5 sec.
Second Skaters Down Yale in Overtime 3 to 2
Harvard's second hockey team defeated the Yale second team in a spectacular game at the Garden yesterday. The final score, after an overtime period, was 3 to 2.
W.C. Everett '32, was the leading goal maker for the Harvard team, scoring once in the second period, and again after the first four minutes of the overtime period. The game was rough, and there were frequent piteups in front of the cage. Each team scored once after such a scandal.
The summary: Score--Harvard 3; Yale 2. Goals--Second period: Everett, pass from Wolcott (3.17). Third period: Buck, pass from Noyes (2.10): Wolcott, scrimmage (3.37), Cookman, scrimmage (4.25). Overtime period: Everett, pass from Gleason (3.52). Freshman Sextet is Loser to Yale by 3 to 1 Count In a fast game at the Garden Saturday, the Yale Freshman defeated the Crimson team by a margin of two-goals. The score was 3 to 1, but the game was a close one from start to finish. The game started off fast, with Mark- well on the Yale team scoring within the first few minutes of play. In the second period Harvard made a strong attack, which culminated in a goal for the Crimson by A. O., Choate '34, who skated right through the whole Yale team. For the rest of the game Yale outplayed the Crimson sextet, making two more goals, one in each period. The summary;
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