

Bacon, Cassedy, Lawrence, and Parker Pick Their Own Eights--Class Crews May Go Out Also

Four University eights will put out from Newell boathouse this afternoon for the first outdoor practice of the season. The crews were picked last night by W. B. Bacon '33, G. J. Cassedy '33, J. E. Lawrence '31, and A. H. Parker, Jr. '32, the four University strokes, in such a way that their respective strengths will be approximately equal when they go on the water today.

Although the M. I. T. crews have been rowing on the lower Charles for the past week, patches of ice have remained in the vicinity of Newell boat-house, and Weeks Memorial Bridge, which have confined the Crimson oarsmen to the usual daily practice in the tank. During the recent warm weather, however, the ice has virtually disappeared, and Harvard coaches are making plans to put their navies on the water.

Class Crews May Go Out

Class crew candidates will be listed as usual for tank practice, but Coach Brown intends to boat them today if the weather holds good. For the first week or so no attempts are to be made in the way of permanent seatings: the men will be sent on the water in approximately the same order as they report.

Several changes will be made in the present University boats within the next few weeks. When Robert Saltonstall '33, now playing on the University hockey team, abandons his skates, he is to take a position at number seven in Bacon's crew, at present filled by E. L. Millard, Jr. '31, Millard's position at number two in the same boat is tentatively held by A. G. Bullock '32. R. H. Hallowell '33, who rowed last year in the Freshman boat, will not be able to row for a month on account of injuries, but it is expected that on his return he will be given a position on the University squad.


The present crews, chosen by the four strokes in a system of rotation, are as follows. der 1, Patterson 2, eGowan 2, Horwits 6. Goals from fouls, Moushegian, Pattison, Holland, Booth, Beane, Patterson. McGowan Horwits. Referees--Kelliher and Swaffield. Time of halves--20 minutes.

YALE  HARVARDLassiter, Dickson, Cronwall, r.f.  r.f., Merry, LevenSaner, Lassiter, l.f.  l.f., FerriterElliot, Safford, c.  c., HuntingtonHowe, Reese, Collins, Oppenheim, r.g.  r.g., Henderson, CaryNikkel, Spiedel, l.g.  l.g., Nevi
