April 1 is the date set for handing in the Dante 'Prize essays, it was announced Saturday by G. B. Weston '97, professor of Romance Languages, and chairman of the Dante Society of Cambridge. One prize of $200 is offered.
The society offers this prize for the best essay by a student of Harvard University, or by any graduate of not more than three years standing, for the best essay written on a subject drawn from the life or work of Dante. Students and graduates of similar standing of any college or university in the United States are also eligible to enter.
Any topic concerned with Dante that has been proposed before may be used, and any other subject to the approval of the committee. Some of the winning essay's of previous years have been on such subjects as "Modern aspects of Dante", "Rhythm of Dante's sonnets in the Vita Nuova", and "Comparative study of the similies of the Divine Comedy and the Aeneid." Several of the prize papers have been written in French, or Italian. Harvard men represent a majority of the winners of former years.
No names of any of the competitors will be known until the decision is rendered at the annual meeting in May, and then only the names of successful candidates. The Dante Society will have been founded 50 years ago next years.
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