
The Student Vagabond

Today the Vagabond is planning to attend a lecture which at first thought would seem to be a scholastic paradox. He is going to hear one of the most eminent workers for world peace analyze one of the most important wars of modern history. The speaker is Professor Sidney B. Fay, and the war in question is the Franco-Prussian of 1870. The War of 1870 was the starting point of Professor Fay's researches when he began his long and arduous quest for the real origins of the World War. That he has succeeded in untangling many of the intricate threads of diplomacy, as a result of these researches, no historian can deny, and that he has published his findings in a history as thrilling as a novel, nearly every student in the Modern History field would be willing to testify.

It will be the lecturer as well as the subject that will draw the Vaga bond to the Germanic Museum at ten o'clock. Professor Fay, unquestionably an indefatigable scholar is still a hum an lecturer. It is due to the example of such men that the Vagabond has come to the conclusion that a good teacher on the plat form is worth any two professorial pedants is the stack room


10 o'clock

"Russio Turkish War of 1877-1878" Mr. Karpovich, Boylsion 21


11 o'clock

"Goethe," Professor Burkhard, Germanic Museum.

"Bismavek's Diplemaey before the Franco Prussian War." Professor Fay, Germanic Museum.
