With the purchase of the instruments and furniture for the Research Laboratory of Physics, the new building is virtually complete. Although a delay in the plastering has prevented any permanent installment of the various apparatus, nevertheless the Physics faculty hopes that within a month or so the building will be ready for occupancy.
The new structure, which connects the Jefferson Physical Laboratory with the Cruft Memorial Laboratory, and which occupies approximately the same ground area as the Jefferson Laboratory, until a few years ago considered one of the largest buildings connected with any department of the University, completes the disintegration of Holmes Field. The area on which, less than 50 years ago. Harvard teams held their practice, is now covered with the new Law School Buildings, and the three laboratories.
Among the special facilities for research offered by the new building are two subterranean research rooms, insulated for the study of X-rays. There will be several rooms in which a constant temperature will be maintained. One of which is to be devoted to the culture of crystals. The physics library now in Jefferson Laboratory will be moved to the new building, together with the collection in Craft Laboratory. Tutorial books will, however, remain in Jefferson, which is to be made over during the summer into classrooms, conference rooms, and elementary laboratories. The 100,000 volt storage battery now in use at the Cruft Laboratory will be moved into the annex, where it is to be used in the investigation of X rays.
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