President Lowell will address the annual Preparatory Schools Conference being held at Cambridge from tomorrow to Sunday afternoon, at a dinner to be given Saturday night at Lowell House. Professor J. L. Coolidge '95, master of the House, and Professor K. F. Mather, of the Geological Department, will also speak to the delegates.
The conference, which is the second to be held under the auspices of the Phillips Brooks House, is for the purpose of explaining college life to prospective undergraduates. The delegates will be lodged in the Freshman dormitories, and will include headmasters of eastern preparatory schools, and a committee selected from among their students.
Dinner Tomorrow
A dinner given tomorrow night is scheduled as the official opening of the conference. The speakers of the evening are to be H. W. Sibley '34, Dean A. C. Hanford, and the reverend Mr. Luke Glenn, of Christ Church, Cambridge. In the latter part of the evening, the conference will break up into smaller groups, which will take part in discussions held at the Freshman dormitories under the direction of undergraduates.
During the morning of the following day the delegates are to attend an address given by Dr. R. C. Cabot '89, on "A Modern Crusader", and a discussion led by Buel Trowbridge, of Phillips Academy, Andover. At noon the delegates will divide into two groups, those wishing to learn about the ministry being the luncheon guests of H. B. Washburn '91, dean of the Episcopal Theological School, while those who desire to investigate the social service agencies of Boston will lunch with the reverend Mr. Sidney Lovett at the Mount Vernon Church.
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