
Mid-year Examination Schedule for Today and Tomorrow

The following is a partial list of the mid-year examination schedule. The Crimson assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the schedule, which is posted in University Hall. All examinations begin at 9.15 o'clock unless otherwise specified. TODAY-(XII) Anthropology 3b  Sever 30 Astronomy 3  Astro. Lab. Biology A  New Lect. Hall Chemistry 11  Mallinckrodt MB 23 Comp. Literature 42a  Sever 35 Economics 6a  Sever 36 Fine Arts 5h  Fogg Large Rm. French 6 Dr. Francon, Sec. 1  Sever 11 Professor Allard, Sec. 2  Emerson D Dr. Webster, Sec. 3  Emerson J Mr. Penny, Sec. 4  Emerson D Mr. Lincoln, Sec. 5  Emerson D Geology 13a  Sever 18 German 3a  Memorial Hall Government 12a  Sever 11 Greek 2  Sever 30 History 15  Sever 6 History 17a  Mallinckrodt MB 9 History 28  Mallinckrodt MB 9 History 51a  Andover C History of Science 1  Sem. Mus. 1 Italian 1  Harvard 5 Mathematics AI Professor Graustein, Sec. 1  Memorial Hall Dr. Gergen, Sec. 2  Memorial Hall Mr. Adams, Sec. 3  Memorial Hall Mr. Frame, Sec. 4  Memorial Hall Mr. Galbraith, Sec. 5  Memorial Hall Mr. Morrey, Sec. 6  Memorial Hall Mr. Myers, Sec. 7  Memorial Hall Mr. Whitney, Sec. 8  Memorial Hall Mathematics 3  Harvard 2 Music 4  Music Bldg. Philosophy 4b  Emerson J Physics D Adlis-Stokes  Geol. Lect. Room Talkov-Yungblut  Pierce 110 Physics 2a  Pierce 110 Physics 31  Pierce 110 Physiology 1  Sever 23 Rcinance Philology 3 Anderson-Irvine  Sever 17 Lazarus-Worcester  Sever 18 Social Ethics 1a  Emerson A

TODAY AT 2 O'CLOCK English 28  New Lect. Hall English 33  Emerson D

TOMORROW (XVII) Comp. Philology 2bhf  Sever 29 Economics 38  Emerson J French 2 Mr. Bouvier, Sec. 12  New Lect. Hall Mr. Carriere, Sec. 3,  7 Memorial Hall Mr. Darby, Sec. 17  New Lect. Hall Mr. Dougherty, Sec. 8  Geol. Lect. Rm. Dr. Francon, Sec. 4  Geol. Lect. Rm. Mr. Johnson, Sec. 18  New Lect. Hall Mr. Keith, Sec. 2  Geol. Lect. Rm. Mr. Kelsey, Sec. 10  New Lect. Hall Mr. Mezzacappa, Sec. 15  New Lect. Hall Mr. O'Brien, Sec. 5  Memorial Hall Mr. Raiche, Sec. 6  Memorial Hall Mr. Richard, Sec. 16  New Lect. Hall Mr. F.P. Smith, Sec. 9,  11 Memorial Hall Mr. J.M. Smith, Sec. 13  New Lect. Hall Mr. Solano, Sec. 14  New Lect. Hall Dr. Webster, Sec. 1  Geol. Lect. Rm. Greek 3hf  Sever 29 Greek 7hf  Sever 29 Music 1b  Music Bldg. Romance Philology 7  Emerson J Social Ethics 25  Emerson J
