
Freshman and Minor Sports Over the Week-End

Polo Team Plays in Middle West This Week-end

Early yesterday the University polo team left Back Bay Station for their annual Washington birthday tour to the middle west. The malletmen will arrive in Cleveland today to play the 107th Cavalry. Then the University team will travel to Cincinnati to play the Cincinnati Riding and Driving Club on Sunday.

The Cleveland trio is considered one of the best in the middle west, and will force the University players to top speed. The Cincinnati team, although it is not considered as threatening as the Cleveland trio, will give the University men strong opposition. Both trios defeated Harvard last year. The regular University lineup of F. S. Nicholas '33, E. T. Gerry '31, and H. I. Nicholas will start in the same today.

Coach F. D. Sharp, of the Military Science department, and manager F. C. Sondern, Jr. '32 will accompany the team on the trip. F. S. Nicholas '33, will play at No. 1: E. T. Gerry '31, who is captain of the University trip and whose handicap was raised yesterday from five to six by the indoor Polo Association, will be at No. 2; and H. I. Nicholas, Jr. '31, at back will complete the University aggression against the mid-westerners. C. N. Bliss '33 will also accompany the team as a substitute.
