A list of the ladies who will comprise the receiving line for the Third Annual Harvard Military Ball, which will be held at the Hotel Somerset on February 27, was announced last night by Eiot Wylie '31, chairman of the committee, who also released final plans for the affair. Music for the ball, which is to be held in the Louis XIV ballroom of the Somerset, will be furnished by Roy Lamson and his Harvardians.
In the event that the officers of the Junior class definitely decide to call off the Junior Prom, the chairman of the Military Ball Committee has intimated that the ball will be open to members of that class, although the number of tickets available will be limited. Tickets for the affair may be reserved on application to the secretary of the dance committee at Thayer 32.
The following will form the receiving line: the mesdames A. C. Hanford, W. S. Sims, R. T. Lyman, and H. L. Movius, who will receive for the patronesses; Mrs. W. S. Sturgill, who will receive for the Military Science Department, and Mrs. B. B. Wygant, who will receive for the Naval Science Department.
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