
The Student Vagabond


10 o'clock

"Mathematical and Scientific Methods in Philosophy," Professor Whitehead, Emerson D.

"The Structure of the Divine Comedy," Dr. Spencer, Sever 9.

11 o'clock


"Early Christian and Byzantine Art," Professor Edgell, Fogg Large Lecture Room.

"Manifest destiny; national expansion and sectional conflict of American History, 1843-1864," Mr. Buck, New Lecture Hall.

12 o'clock

"Franco-Gothic Painting in Spain," Professor Post, Fogg, Small Lecture Room.

"Some of Einsteins Conclusions that have been verifled by experiments, and the two theories of radiation applied to reflection of X-ray by crystals," Professor Duane, Jefferson Physical Laboratory 3.

"Chopin," Professor Hill, Music Building.

"The Short Story," Professor Gay, Sover 2.

2 o'clock

"Social, Economic, Religious, and Artistic Background of the period from 1750-1800," Professor Greenough, Sever 11.
