Arrangement for elections of Freshman, Sophomore and Junior Class offices, and acceptance of the annual budget, constituted the chief business at a meeting of the Student Council last night.
As announced after last night's meeting, elections for all remaining undergraduate class offices will be held within ten days. Nominations for all positions will be announced in the CRIMSON of Friday, February 13, after which additional names may be added by petition up until the evening of Wednesday, February 18. On Thursday, February 19, the complete list of nominees for all offices of the three classes will be published, after which ballots will be placed in the mail as soon as they can be printed.
Nominations for the officers of the Junior Class will be made by Charles Devens '32, president of the class last year, and a Student Council committee. Sophomore officers will be nominated by Robert Saltonstall '33, last year's president, and the Council committee; Freshman nominees will be chosen by the committee and W. B. Wood, Jr. '32, Chairman of the Student Council committee in charge of Freshman affairs.
The annual Student Council budget, amounting this year to $10,050, was presented at last night's meeting by Henry Chalfant, Jr. '31, treasurer of the body. Eight outside charities will benefit from the funds collected by the Council through pledges from Harvard students. The individual apportionments are as follows:
To Phillips Brooks Association, $4,000; for class expenses, $2,000 ($500 to each class); loan for Senior Album, $1,000; American Red Cross, $1,000; Committee on Friendly Relations among Foreign Students, $500; International Students' Service, Geneva, Switzerland, $500; Cambridge unemployed, $250; Near East Relief, $250; Cambridge Council, Salvation Army, $250; Cambridge Council. Boy Scouts of America, $250; 1931 League of Nations Model Assembly, $50. Total, $10,050.
When a sum of about $1,000 due in unpaid pledges is collected, the Council will have completed the sum necessary to pay the apportionments in its budget. These outstanding pledges were all made at the opening of the College year.
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