

Crimson Has Won Six Out of Nine Games Thus Far--1934 Team to Play Andover This Afternoon

A Northeastern University basketball team of dubious power will confront the University quintet tonight in the New Indoor Athletic Building at 8 o'clock. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the Freshman team is scheduled to encounter the Andover team at Andover.

The contest tonight will be the tenth of the season for the Harvard team, which has lost three games thus far. The last defeat took place last Saturday night, February 7, when the Dartmouth five overrode the University players for a final score of 34 to 16. Since the midyear examination period the squad has been making rapid progress, and Coach Wachter is convinced that it has regained most of its former strength. With C. H. Hageman '33 back for regular practice, the only regular who will be absent from the starting lineup tonight will be Vahan Moushegian '32.

The Northeastern team has had a season of 12 games, of which it has lost five. Most of these games have, however, been against minor teams. Such major games as that with Brown University, and Providence College, it has lost by heavy scores.

The Freshman and Andover teams have each won three games and lost two. By comparative scores, however, the strength is on the Crimson side, for the University team defeated the M. I. T. Freshmen by a score of 42 to 35, while the preparatory school five won by a score of 28 to 23. The Freshmen have moreover been improving steadily in efficiency and cooperation. HARVARD  NORTHEASTERN Pattison, l.f.  r.f., Symancyk Holland, r.f.  l.f., Tiffany Rauh, c.  c., Rymph Farrell, l.g.  r.g., Hassell Hageman, r.g.  l.g., Hintz

HARVARD 1934  ANDOVER Ferriter, l.f.  r.f., Kettle Levin, r.f.  l.f., Sweet Huntington, c.  c., Kellogg Cary, l.g.  r.g., Beckwith Nevin, r.g.  l.g., Barr
