Sidney Post Simpson, co-author for the Wickersham Commission of Report No. 12, on "The Cost of Crime," who has been for several years a member of the New York law firm of Hines, Rearick, Dorr, Travis and Marshall, has just been elected a Professor of Law in the Harvard Law School. He will at once take up the teaching of the law of equity and trusts, as the colleague of Professors A. W. Scott and Chafee.
Entering the Harvard Law School direct from U. S. Army service in 1919, Mr. Simpson led his class in the Freshman year, and for that was awarded the Sears Prize. At graduation he again led his class and received the Fay Diploma. He was on the Law Review for two years. The degree of Summa cum Laude has been only established since 1927, four men having received it in five years. Mr. Simpson's standing would have warranted that award had it been in existence at that time.
On graduation from Knox College in April, 1917, when he was too young for a commission, he enlisted as a private. He rose to a sergeantcy, first class, and became senior instructor at the Ordinance Field Service School at Camp Hancock, Georgia. He was transfered to the Field Artillery and after the Armistice was honorably discharged with the rank of second lieutenant. Simpson's ability as a lawyer was well shown by his being able to gain the highest honors in the Law School immediately after spending two years in military training, and among the difficulties of war. His legal experience has been further extended by his practical work as a lawyer in New York as a partner in a firm, and a member of Wickersham's commission, where he performed valuable work.
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