Tomorrow evening at 8.30 o'clock in Brattle Hall Bradfor Washburn '33, who spent last summer in Chamonix filming a complete ascent of Mont Blanc, will give an illustrated lecture based on the work of the summer, showing colored slides as well as the film showing the complete climb from his Chamonix hotel to the summit of Europe's highest mountain peak. The lecture, which is under the auspices of the Christ Church, will be given for the benefit of the church charity fund.
Washburn's film, the first ever to be made, shows the way in which hardy mountaineers attain the summit of this lofty mountain, the upper ridges of which are almost continually swept by furious storms, which render the peak virtually inaccessible during more than four-fifths of the year. Washburn, along with W. C. Everett '33, camped out at altitudes of 10,000, 12,900, and 15,000 feet on one occasion struggling through snow up to their waists at an altitude of 14,000 feet, where the thin air is a great cause of weakness.
Besides being treasurer of the Harvard Mountaineering Club, Washburn also belong to the Harvard Travellers Club and to the Explorers Club, with headquarters in New York. The film to be shown tomorrow evening represents the work of many days on the mountain, as only with the best of clear weather is it possible to make motion pictures.
In addition to the films of Mont Blanc, Washburn will describe and show motion pictures of an ascent of the Grepon, the well-known Chamonix aguille to the north of Mont Blanc which remained unconquered until 1881. The history of the region, which Washburn looked in to during the summer, will also form a part of tomorrow's lecture. Tickets for the lecture are to be $.75 and $1.50.
The following will serve as patronesses the mesdames J. T. Addison, G. M. Allen, J. L. Coolidge, R. H. Dana, H. W. Foote, C. L. Glenn, H. S. Hall Jr., George Hodges. A. N. Holcombe, Frederick Holdsworth, E. G. Kraetzer, Robert Morgan Andre Morize, J. T. Murray, Endicott Peabody, Donald Scott, S. W. Sturgis, J. G. Throp, A. M. Tozzer, G. S. West, and W. S. Whittemore.
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