

Additional Names May be Added Until Tuesday--Preferential Voting to be Used for Marshals

Nominations for Senior Class officers were announced last night by J. B. Ames '32, chairman of the Senior nominating Committee. One man will be elected to each of the class offices, except that a First, Second, and Third Marshall will be chosen, and five men will be picked for the Senior Album Committee. The elections are to be held on Wednesday and Thursday.

Additional men may be nominated by petitions bearing the names of at least 25 eligible voters, which must be handed in before 1 o'clock Tuesday at E-51 Dunster House. Eligible voters are those entering with the class of 1932, and those graduating with the class of 1932, receiving an A.B. or S.B. degree.

Preferential voting will be used in the election of the three Marshals, first position on a ballot counting three points; second place, two; and third place, one. The man receiving the greatest total number of points will be elected First Marshal, and so forth. For the other individual offices and the Album Committee the candidates receiving the largest number of votes will hold the positions.

The complete list of nominations is as follows:

For Marshal


Thomas Elias Armstrong, of Dallas, Texas.

Charles Crehore Cunningham, of Milton.

Eustis Dearborn, of Sandwich.

Daniel Bliss Dorman, of Beirut, Syria.

Otto Ernest Fuerbringer, of St. Louis, Missouri.

Norwood Penrose Hallowell, Jr., of Readville.

George Keith Martin, of Oolen, Bel- gium.

Arthur Willing Patterson, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Eugene Edwin Record, of Brookline.

William Barry Wood, Jr., of Milton.
