Professor Charles Swain Thomas '97 of the Graduate School of Education has been appointed by the College Entrance Examination Board to the new Commission on English which will present the board with a new set of requirements for the entrance examinations in English to take effect after 1934. Professor Thomas is Harvard's sole representative on the commission and was also the chairman of the old Commission on English, as a result of whose report on the English of the College Entrance Examination Board this new commission was established.
The English requirements of the College Entrance Examination Board were formerly set by the National Conference on Uniform Requirements in English, which is now disbanded, so the College Entrance Examination Board has taken over its functions with the establishment of the new commission. The body will hold a preliminary meeting in New York on Saturday, December 12.
The old commission, which Professor Thomas formerly headed, recommended the retention of a comprehensive examination for college entrance, which it considered far preferable to the restricted type of test, but suggested a candidate's Scholastic Aptitude Test score, his school English record, and his English Examination grades be all taken into account in deciding upon his qualifications in English. In regard to the comprehensive examination, the commission recommended a greater variety in both the form and the content of the examination from year to year, but was strongly opposed to adding any objective tests, except with extreme caution.
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1914 Scrimmage with Brookline