
The Crimson Playgoer

French Talking Picture Shown In New Geography Building.

"Le Million", French talking picture shown last night in the auditorium of the new Harvard Geographical School building, provides excellent entertainment and an altogether welcome relief from the typical Hollywood production of night life and gangsters.

Furthermore, it given the opportunity, all too rarely offered, to renew in a pleasant way one's rusty acquaintance with the French language, as she is really spoke, and not as she is inflicted upon suffering students of French 1 or 2.

The plot involves the loss of the winning ticket in a lottery; and the frantic search through most of Paris for this bit of paper leads to many pleasant ramifications. Especially funny is the burlesque of grand opera, showing that the opera stages of France are burdened with no less clumsy pachyderms masquerading as young lovers, than our own.

The music, which here and there accompanies the performance, is quite delightful; the adjustment of around to sight is everywhere well handled; and the acting is capable performed.

The picture will be shown again this afternoon and evening at the same place.
