

Twelve Harvard Men Take Part in Play to be Given Tomorrow--Glee Club to Sing Chants

When the Harvard Dramatic Club gives its tenth annual Christmas Miracle play tomorrow, it will present in the Umbrian Play a work never before produced in modern times, and only recently translated from its eleventh century manuscript by D. F. Robertson '25. The cast, which has just been picked by Edward Massey '15, will give two performances in the Germanic Museum, at 5 and 9 o'clock, and if enough demand warrants, a third performance at 8 o'clock. The play will also be broadcast over Station WBZ at o'clock, in the first broadcast ever attempted of this sort of play.

The cast will be as follows: Joseph, J. F. Joyce Jr. '32: G. C. Turner '32. Herod; R. L. C. Rein'l '34, Isiah; W. S. Burrage, J. C. Cort '35, and W. B. Cudahy '34, the Three Kings; R. A. Dunn '32, Captain of the Guard: James Carleton '32, Marshal Smith '32, T. F. Crane '33, M. J. Crowley '34, and S. C. Munroe attendants to the king, Bettye Jeanne Crocker, Mary; Marie Driscoll, Rose Mary McKew, and Barbara Wertheim, Nuns.

Choral music will be furnished by members of the Glee Club and University Choir.
