
"No Hope For the House" as "The Rabbit Which Is Leverett" Vanishes On Thursday--Murdock Mourns Missing Mascot

In the small hours of Thursday morning the Leverett House indifference and peace of mind received a jolt which sent tutors, students, and janitors into a frenzied hunt. For the "rabbit which is Leverett House" was carried off by force. The matter has been placed into the efficient hands of the Metropolitan Police, but little hope is felt for the return of this mascot and demi-god revered by every staunch heart in the House.

The now famous Bunny Leverett arrived on December 6. It was on the occasion of the first annual Christmas Dinner that he hopped down from his position on the coat of arms in the yellow dining room and scampered up the middle of the floor to the table where the Master and tutors were sitting, waiting for an opportunity to open the celebrations. Within a second the clever beast was on the table, peering around at the occupants of the room with visible embarrassment. As if inspired, K. B. Murdock '16, Master of the House, rose to the occasion, doing his duty by the rabbit-god in a short speech of introduction. "This is the rabbit which is Leverett House," he said with biblical grandeur. It was as he picked Bunny Leverett up by his long aristocratic ears, holding it aloft so that every one could see, that the immortal nature of the rabbit was discovered; its sawdust interior was felt to be of sterner stuff than the ordinary run of toy store rabbits.

Following this sudden appearance everything was done to make the rabbit feel at home in its own house. It donned the red silk ribbon offered by members of the House, and with the contented smile of a Chinese idol took its place on the "End" table in the middle of the dining room, and there remained till it was missed on Wednesday night.
