As a result of the Senior Class Elections held yesterday and the day before, John DeQuedville Briggs Jr. of St. Paul, Minnesota, was elected Permanent Class Secretary. Briggs, a former president of the CRIMSON, was winner in a close election, the deciding margin being one of six votes. The total poll at the election was 258 votes, which is about a dozen less than the total of last year's elections.
In addition to choosing the Permanent Class Secretary, who holds this position as long as he lives, the Seniors also selected six men to be the Permanent Class committee. These men are as follows: Norwood Penrose Hallowell, of Readville; Charles Crehore Cunningham, of Milton; Oscar Sutermeister, of Kansas City, Missouri; James Barr Ames, of Wayland; William Peck Elwell, of Arlington; and Beekman Pool of New York City.
The third body elected at the elections that have just ended was the Class Day Committee, for which seven men were chosen. The successful candidates are as follows: Edmund Austin Mays Jr. of Buffalo, New York; Robert Morrison Faxon, of Quincy; Wilson Hill Crosby, of West Newton; Thomas Elias Armstrong, of Dallas, Texas, Donald Murdoch Frame, of New York City; Otto Ernest Fuerbringer, of St. Louis, Missouri; Daniel Bliss Dorman, of Beirut, Syria. These men will have charge of all the arrangement connected with Class Day, of Which they are to have charge for the class.
In respect to the permanent Class Committee, the three men having the largest number of votes shall serve until after the sixth reunion and the three remaining shall serve until after the third reunion.
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