There are three possible choices in selecting the football coaching staff. Each has its special implications for the future of Yale athletics in general, and football in particular. The first can be characterized by the professional coach who views his job as a temporary vocation; the second, by the paid coach who holds a faculty position in addition; and the third, by the man who volunteers his services. Of three possible types, Yale has chosen to follow the first for the coming season. Coach Stevens has the whole-hearted support and good wishes of the student body.
There is no reasonable alternative to the retention of the present staff in toto, for the present. . . . The more important questions which concern the policy to be followed in the future have not been answered, but have been customarily put off until the morrow, from all accounts an indefinite date in the future. Of the second of the three proposals suffered above, it had been indicated in official circles that the new Athletic Association constitution was the first step into an academicizing of the personnel of the entire staff. The "News" looked confidently upon the time when a "varsity" coach would hold a full time appointment with the faculty, taking on direction of a particular sport as an added seasonal obligation.
As for the system of voluntary coaching but interested alumni and friends of the University, the "News" holds out little hope. . . .
Voluntary coaching has not yet arrived. But the time is at hand when the distinction should be made between the paid "professional" and the paid faculty coach. This year an important decision has been postponed: yesterday's appointment is only an interim one. Yale Daily News
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