The vulture eye--"a place blue eye, with a film over it"...blood--"bleeding at the pores with dissolution"...the ghastly laughter of a drunken man walled in alive in a dank corner of the catacombs...the hot metal walls of a chamber converging to force a victim into a measureless pit--these objects of horror entered the world when a pale-browed, black-haired dreamer took another half-bottle a hundred years ago. He was a precocious lad. Scarcely out of diapers, he stood on a table declaiming verse, inspired by a glass of liquor. Later trips to the bottle heightened his fancy in more weird and horrible manner. They won him an all-time record for the number of square yards of flesh he has made creep.
It was Poe, of course, who was responsible for all this, who walked in "the ghoul-haunted woodlands of Weir" and though of "what man never dared to think before." Now the Vagabond himself is something of an authority on gaunt and ghastly ghouls and fifty-six other varieties of spooks, but he is anxious to hear Professor Matthiessen's lecture on Poe today at 10 o'clock in Harvard 6.
9 0'clock
"Forced Oscillations in Coupled Circuits," Professor Chaffee, Craft Lecture Room 3.
"Contemporary Drama," Dr. Carpenter, Sever 7.
10 o'clock
"Dreamatic Works of T. W. Robinson," Professor Murray, Harvard 3.
9 o'clock
"The Pardoner's Tale," Professor Robinson, Sever 11.
11 o' clock
"A Crisis in Angle-American Relations, 1863-56," Professor Baxter, Harvard 1.
"Fourth Century Sculpture: The Attic Grave Monuments." Professor Chase, Fogg Large Room.
12 o'clock
"Haydn," Professor Hill, Music Building.
"Bottleeile." Professor Post Fogg, large Room.
"Compression and Expansion of Gases," Professor Black, Jefferson Physical Laboratory 250.
"Shakespeare's Early Dramatic Work." Prof. Murray, Harvard 8.
"The Feudal Reaction of 1315." Professor Taylor, Emerson 8.
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Speaking the Guns