

Group of Nine Faculty Members are to Receive-Representatives of Four Graduate Schools to be Present

Nine officers of the University, including several heads of departments, will receive at the second of the University teas in the Fogg Museum on Friday at 4.15 o'clock.

The professors who have been asked to stand in the receiving line with their wives for 25-minute periods are: Professor A. N. Holcombe '06, chairman of the Department of Government; Professor C. H. Haring '07, chairman of the Department of History; Professor H. H. Plaskett, professor of Astrophysics; H. E. Clifford '89, dean of the Engineering School; L. J. Henderson '98, chairman of the Department of History of Science; Captain B. B. Wygant, chairman of the Department of Naval Science; and J. B. Conant '13, chairman of the Department of Chemistry. J. L. Coolidge '95, chairman of the Department of Mathematics; and Colonel W. S. Sturgill, chairman of the Department of Military Science, will also receive.

Other departments whose members have been especially invited to attend are those of Astronomy, Economics, Fine Arts, and Physics. There will also be present representatives of the following graduate schools: Dental, Landscape Architecture, Medical, and Public Health.

The times at which the professors and their wives will receive are 4.15 o'clock, Professor and Mrs. Holcombe, Professor and Mrs. Haring; 4.40 o'clock, Professor Coolidge, Professor and Mrs. Plaskett; 5.05 o'clock, Dean and Mrs. Clifford, Professor and Mrs. Henderson, Captain and Mrs. Wygant; 5.30 o'clock, Colonel Sturgill, Professor and Mrs. Conant.
