

Officials Expect That Arrangements Will be Completed Soon--Excellent Facilities for Shooting

Officials of the Harvard Rifle Club announced yesterday that they hoped shortly to conclude negotiations with the Walnut Hill Rifle Club which would enable the use of that organization's range.

Members of the Rifle Club's executive committee went out to Walnut Hill yesterday to inspect the place and found everything highly satisfactory. Besides various heavy calibre ranges at distances of 500, 400, 300, and 200 yards, there are also a number of targets at different distances for small bore and pistol shooting. A clay pigeon trap is also located on the grounds and arrangements will be made for its use if enough men possessing shotguns wish to shoot over it. Meals may be obtained if the caretaker's wife is notified in advance.

The Club expects to have a blanket membership of seven or eight men in the Walnut Hill association, but nobody will be permitted to shoot there unless he has already paid the annual dues for the Harvard Club. Walnut Hill has long been famous for its numerous experts in different branches of firearms, and it is one of the oldest organizations of its kind in the country.

Half an hour is the time allowed to reach the clubhouse situated half a mile or so outside of Woburn. The Arlington Rifle Range is the one which has been used up to this time, but it was found too cramped for the growing activities of the Club.
