
University Denies Change of Parietal Regulations as Arranged by Eliot House

made in one of the Houses. This is an error. No. 39 among the regulations for students in Harvard College reads as follows: Reception of Guests, 89. Women may not be received in a student's room or in a club-house, even with a chaperon, except by special permission of the Proctor, the Regent, or the Master. In the dormitories such permission will be given only for the hours between 1 P. M. and 7 P. M.

"These regulations are made by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and can be changed by no one else."

Eliot House Notice

The notice distributed in Eliot House is as follows:

"This sheet is distributed in the hope that a situation, hitherto somewhat obscure, will by it be clarified. <>"1. Ladies are allowed in Eliot House on any day between the hours of 12 noon and 7 P. M. They must be outside the house by seven o'clock.


"2. Members may entertain ladies in their rooms any day in the week provided they notify Miss Smith, the House secretary, in advance. Miss Smith's office is in Noentry (second floor) and her hours are from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M., and 2 P. M. to 5 P. M. On Saturdays this information must be given to her before 1 P. M. If this is impossible, the notification must then be made to Mr. Merriman by leaving a note at his door.

"3. Ladies may be entertained by members at lunch on Saturdays. At no other meal will they be permitted in the dining room.

"Any infraction of the above rules, or any unnecessary noise or disturbance, will automatically result in an immediate return to the sticker Parietal Regulations."
