
In the Graduate Schools

Lawyers Will Give Opinion on Election of Roosevelt and on Prohibition

The opinion of the Harvard Law School, regarding the issue of prohibition and the candidacy of Franklin D. Roosevelt '03 for the presidential nomination next Summer, will be ascertained today by a poll conducted by the Roosevelt for President Club. Of the five questions upon which the voter is asked to express his opinion, four have to do with the prohibition law and e other with the nomination of Governor Roosevelt.

The questions asked on the ballot are as follows: 1. Do you favor a change in the existing prohibition law? 2. Do you favor repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment? 3. Do you favor modification of the Eighteenth Amendment? 4. Do you believe Congressional action through a change of the Volstead Act would be legal and effective? 5. Do you favor the presidential nomination of Franklin D. Roosevelt? Desks for voting will be stationed in Langdell and Austin Halls and the ballots will be signed.

The Roosevelt for President Club was organized by students of the Law School about two weeks ago. The officers are T. A. Carpenter 3L, president, A. J. Rockwell 2L, vice-president, and P. W. Mahady 2L, secretary. James Roosevelt, son of Governor Roosevelt was present at the organization meeting and is an honorary member.

During the coming year, the club has planned to invite argument men to the Law School to address the students on subjects of national interest. Later in the year, it will send out speakers to address various local organizations around Greater Boston.
