
In the Graduate Schools

Competition to be Resumed Within Two Weeks

Six acting judges who will preside at the semi-finals of the Ames Competition on Thursday and Friday, November 19 and 20 in the court room of Langdell Hall, have been chosen, it was announced yesterday at the Law School.

The Ames competition, which is conducted annually, consists of the presentation and trial of a series of moot cases on various subjects by the law clubs. In the first year, each club must qualify to enter the competition, and in the fall of the second year a competition is carried on that eliminates all but eight clubs.

Quarter-finals are held in the spring of the second year, so that only third-year men participate in the fall semi-finals.

Trials at 8 O'Clock

At each trial, which will be held at 8 o'clock on both nights, three judges will make the decision, based on the ability displayed in drawing up the brief, the regard shown as to whether historical or analytical development of theories should be emphasized, the oral presentation itself, the comprehension of the scope of the questions directed at each man, and the conciseness of the answer that he makes.


Judges that will sit on the cases are, for Thursday, November 19, Honorable W. C. Walt '82, Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts; Honorable J. M. Morton '91, United States District Judge for the District of Massachusetts; Honorable J. C. Knox, United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York. For Friday, November 20, Honorable S. R. Moulton, Justice of the Supreme Court of Vermont; Honorable William Hitz '95, Justice of the Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia, and Honorable J. A. Lowell '94, United States District Judge for the District of Massachusetts.
