In spite of general of opposition the University continues the April and November hour examinations. This mid-term check-up appears to have to become an established thing. The record which students make at these times puts them on probation and takes them off, and the reputation at the Dean's office of those less intimately concerned is at stake.
This fact is not adequately recognized in many courses. The examinations are deprecated by many of the professors in charge, and, as a result, students are encouraged to neglect their work for them. But the most noticeable consequence of this indifference is a failure to take due care that each student gets the mark that he deserves.
This indifference is most felt in the larger advanced courses where the professor cannot take the time to check up on the papers. The more elementary courses show a distinct contrast. In fact they may serve as an example. In History 1 all the doubtful papers are reread by a different instructor, and great care is taken that the difference in marking of the section men is compensated.
Such great care as is shown in this course is, of course, not necessary in the advanced courses where there are fewer Freshmen and where the students are supposed to have advanced beyond the stage where they need to be accurately checked up in the middle of each term. But the fact remains that the Dean's office gives weight to the hour grades of each student. Accordingly, reasonable care should be taken that the student gets the grade that he deserves.
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