

Group of Four First Year Men to Aid Him--Ten more Men will Complete the list

At its second meeting, held yesterday, the 1935 Union Committee, composed of 10 men representing the various Yard Dormitories, voted in favor of a Freshman Ten Dance to take place in the Common Rooms of the Union after the Harvard -- Yale game November 21. The dance, which will last from 5 until 7 o'clock, in reported to be in response to popular demand, and has the approbation of Dolmar Leighten '17, dean of the first year class, and Matthew Luce '91, regent of the University. The affair, the first of its kind and, if successful, a possible class function in the nature of a fall supplement to the Freshman Jubilee of the spring, is made possible by the new conditions of the first year life in the yard and Union.

Borden is Chairman

Robert Remington Borden Jr. of Fall River, Wigglesworth representatives on the union Committee, will be Chairman of the Freshman Harvard -- Yale tea dance. He will be assisted in the organization and management of the dance by D. B. Bates (Hollis Hall) of Ely, Nevada; E. F. Bowditch (Massachusetts Hall) of Larchmont, N. Y.; R. A. Kidder (Holworthy) of Andover; C. K. Howard (Straus Hall) of concord. All four of these men are members of the Union Committee.

Ten New Men

To complete the personnel of the Freshman Tea Dance Committee, Borden and his associates will select ten members of the first year class to assist in the arrangements, to handle the sale of tickets, and to usher at the function.


The possibility of keeping the dining hall open after the tea dance, and allowing feminine guests of the first year men to be taken to dinner, is being considered Members of the Class will be allowed to have women guests at luncheon before the Yale and Dartmouth games, and it is probable that similar permission will be given for the evening meal, if it will add to the success of the occasion.
