

Wealth of Men from Last Year's Squad Return to Bolster University

Fencing will officially get under way this year with a meeting of University and Freshman candidates at 2 o'clock today in the Fencing Room of the Indoor Athletic Building, There will also be a fencing exhibition later in the month.

Although there are only three letter men returning this year to form a nucleus, Coach Rene Peroy hopes that by getting a quick start this fall, he will be able to develop some material, experienced or inexperienced, by the time of the first match of the season which is scheduled to begin in February.

The men from the squad who are returning this year are: Charles Brenner '32, F. C. Fiechter Jr. '32, Gilbert Kerlin '33, Captain R. B. Lawson '32, J. J. Machin '33, T. I. Moran '32, and G. M. Uatsevitch '33.

Those who were on last year's Freshman team are as follows: J. H. Beard '34, J. L. Dexter '34, C. L. Dyer '34, J. L. Harris '34, J. G. Hurd '34, and W. M. Kilcullen '34.

For the last few weeks 15 to 20 men have been reporting daily for practice, but commencing today, regular practice will be held from 4 to 6 o'clock on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and from 2 to 6 o'clock on Tuesday and Thursday.


A fencing exhibition will be held on Friday, November 13, in which members of the squad will participate, and in which there will be exhibitions in foils, sabre, and epee by graduated and representatives of other colleges.
