

Charitics Will be Favored Which Are Not Otherwise Provided For--No Donations at Present

Receipts of the Student Council from pledges have reached the figure of $7319. 93, according to statistics on the annual budget released last night by J. R. Collins '32, treasurer of the Council. The amount is approximately $600 under that received by this time last year and it seems probable that total receipts will show an even greater difference.

Radical changes in the distribution of the money will be made this year in view of the unusually large contributions which some of the regular charities have been receiving from unusual sources. The completion of the budget is being held up now in order to coordinate it with the collections at the Stadium, half of which are to be turned over to President Lowell to distribute as he sees fit.

Plans For Disposition

Until the budget is made up no plans will be forthcoming for cooperation with the Cambridge Unemployment Relief Committee or any other such body. A lump sum of $500 has been turned over to that committee by the Student Council at M. I. T. but final distribution of the money available for the Harvard Council in contingent upon action to be taken by President Lowell in regard to the Stadium collections.

The pledges made at the beginning of the year totalled a little more than $10,000, of which the greater part was paid immediately. Further sums had been coming in slowly since the week of registration when reminders were sent to the holders of unpaid pledges several weeks ago. $1838.11 was received as a direct result of these reminders and more is expected during the next few weeks.


Various Charities

In former years it has always been customary for Phillips Brooks House to receive a lump sum of $4000 with which to carry out its charitable activities.
