

Says College Experts Never on Hand to Aid in Crises--Warns Against Loans to Japan

Speaking to a large gathering in the Lowell House common room Norman Thomas, prominent American socialist, deplored the paralysis of will and complacency of thought of the American people. Following a luncheon in his honor attended by members of the Harvard Liberal Club yesterday, he outlined the social and economic failings of present day political practice and said that the Socialist party alone can keep world peace by its loyalty to all classes of people.

Attacks Racketeers

Thomas first turned to the crime and racketeering in this country and prophesied that a violent revolt against it might come before the end of the year, though provoked by police tactics. "The cynical 'wise-cracking' acceptance of racketeering at the present time which causes people to loose their capacity for indignation will go, as Americans have a natural love for rioting. Labor uprisings in this country are invariably more violent than abroad," he said.

"Business men in a depression of this sort think they would like a war as they could sell more wheat and other commodities and so do away with employment. This is no way out, and this attitude does much harm. They say today that America would make money, but they would repudiate these benefits if they themselves were in any way dangerously involved in war." We should not lend Japan money to carry on its war, the speaker added, in case we should have to go to war to save our loan, and thus become accomplices.

Raps Party Platforms


The coming presidential election Thomas found tragic. The two old parties have yet no plan or platform to offer, and are trying to be as similar in policy as possible, nor are there any indications of a new party being formed. He descried the fact that intelligent honors students in the Government departments of the various universities were rarely to be seen in the thick of such crises. In the past years there has been an increase in high school and college diplomas, but no corresponding increase in intelligent men in the government.

In conclusion he pointed out that the duty of the American government was to do away with our disgraceful doles--private charity, breadlines, etc., cancel war debts, and stop the embargos on Russian products. They should dissolve all the old hates and prejudices, so as to give time to encouraging peaceful relations between the widely different social classes.
