
Meeting Yesterday Marks New Era in Control of Athletics at Yale--Head of Smaller Guiding Council Not Yet Chosen

New Haven, Conn., Nov. 20--At a meeting here today of the Yale Athletic Association, drastic cuts were made in the membership of the board of control in order to effect greater centralization this year.

The executive committee has been reduced from seven to four members, the board of control from 24 to 12, while the offices of board chairman and athletic director have been merged into one. Only two alumni members will remain on the board, and undergraduate representation has been cut from four to two members. In these cases, however, numbers of both groups have been kept in the same proportion.

The officer to hold the new consolidated position as head of the council has not yet been appointed. Since 1927 the office of director of athletics has been held by John M. Cates, and that of chairman of the board by Professor R. Seldon Rose.

The announcement of the changes proposed was made for the first time on Thursday by President James Rowland Angell, who explained that the necessity of centralizing responsibility for the university's athletic organization, and the rapid development of intramural athletics under the house plan would result today in the radical revision of the constitution of the Yale Athletic Association.

In inaugurating a smaller board, all of whose members are not deeply interested in athletics, but are also in intimate contact with university affairs, it is believed that the future development of Yale's athletic interests will be more in harmony with those of other institutions.


Although, to be sure, the two undergraduates and two alumni will be retained, the board will be comprised mainly of officers of the university. The president, the deans of the college, of the Sheffield Scientific School, and of the freshmen will all occupy seats. Other representatives are to be from the treasurer's office, the department of university health, and from the faculty.
