
In the Graduate Schools

President Lowell Writes Article for Re-organized Magazine

That it is impossible in our public schools to promote equality among men is shown in an article by President Lowell in the November issue of the Harvard Teachers Record, published for the first time this year by the Graduate School of Education. In "Democracy, Equality, and Education," President Lowell points out the fact that in any fixed curriculum, the divergence between the pupils of greater and less ability shown itself very clearly, with the result that the weaker feel how great an effort they must make to keep up, tend to give up the struggle, and leave school. Thus the selective process proceeds automatically by elimination, of the kind that is naturally felt to be undemocratic.

The Teachers Record is not a new venture, and was issued before as an addition to the Alumni Bulletin, but now, under the editorship of C.S. Thomas '97, associate professor of Education, it will appear as a quarterly. Besides contributions from authorities on education, it is hoped that members of the staff and students who have any views on education will submit articles.

Other articles that appear in the current issue are, "The Educational Value of Beauty," by Ralph Adams Cram, "A Defense of Science in Education," by T.L. Kelley, "A Defense of Philosophy in Education," by W.H. Kilpatrick, "A Brief for the Selection of Secondary School Pupils," by F.Y. Spaulding.
