

Records of New Haven and Hartford are Among Most Valuable in Drive

As a result of the campaign begun last year for the records and files of early American business houses, many gifts have been received recently by the Business Historical Society in Baker Library. F.C. Ayers, Executive Secretary of the Society, has been very active in arranging for these donations and last spring secured a complete file of the records of the firm of Crosby and Dibblee covering the period after the gold rush of 1849.

Included in the new acquisitions of the Society are documents bearing on the development of industry and trade of all sorts in New England and elsewhere. Of special value are several volumes of records given by officials of the New York, New Haven and Hartford and of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Companies. Other documents range from personal account books and early shipping records of the port of Gloucester to shelves of files from manufacturing and retail firms in Massachusetts.
