The new Cambridge fire station, to be erected on the plot of land between Memorial Hall and the Yard, will be of Colonial Georgian architecture, to conform with the Harvard buildings, according to information received yesterday. A preliminary appropriation has been made by the city council, and an architect will be appointed shortly, Mayor R. M. Russell '14 also stated. Work on the demolition of the Rogers Building, which now occupies this land, will begin as soon as plans are completed and construction of the station will be started during the present academic year.
The plot of land which will be the site of the new station was in the possession of the University until a few years ago when it was exchanged with the city of Cambridge for other land that was considered to be of more value in the expansion of the college. This was the first time in the history of the University that a piece of land had been allowed to fall into the hands of an outsider.
The site was chosen as ideal for a central station after the Brattle Square structure was condemned by building inspectors and Harvard Square business men objected to the permanent removal of the apparatus to a distant station. Mayor Russell did not know yesterday how many pieces of apparatus would be accomodated but the original plans were for a 60 foot hook and ladder, a hose wagon, and a pumping engine.
The Rogers Buildings was constructed as a gymnasium in 1860 with a gift of $8,000 from H. B. Rogers of the Class of 1822. When built it supplied athletic facilities for the entire College; it soon proved to be inadequate, however, as is shown by the fact that the President of the College proposed building a larger structure and converting the old into a "swimming bath."
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