

Discussion Tonight Will Center On World Problems--House Committees to be Named

All students interested in economics, history, government, or international affairs are invited to attend the second meeting of the year of the International Council, to be held this evening at 8 o'clock in the parlor of Phillips Brooks House. The discussion will center on an economic approach to present world problems, and will be under the leader-ship of Professor J. H. Williams, professor of Economics. Refreshments will be served following the discussion.

The International Council is a discussion group composed of all interested students in the University, and meets every three weeks to discuss various questions of International relations, The Foreign Student committee, under whose auspices the Council meetings are held, is at work on a system for furthering the entertainment of foreign students in the House by present House residents. In each House a committee of five men is to be named, the five men of this committee to put the residents of the House in touch with any of the nationalities that they might wish to meet of entertain.

Phillips Brooks House has in its lists of foreign students approximately 250 men from outside the United States coming from 40 different countries. The committee feels that in the Houses there are a number of men who would be interested in entertaining some student from a country outside the United States. The name of a committees in each House will be announced at a later date.
