
Kirby Page Suggests Liberal Club Try Soup Lines to Gain Experience--Would Debate Donham on "End of Capitalism"

Liberal and socialistic organizations at Harvard and other large universities should make an effort to get first hand information about the unemployed, and get into the scup lines to see what is going on," declared Kirby Page, editor of The World Tomorrow, in an interview yesterday morning after his address at the Community Church, Symphony Hall.

Clubs such as these, Mr. Page believes, are excellent for discussing socialistic problems, but should try more to share the difficulties of the poor during this winter, and if possible to collect old clothes for them.

On being asked if heavily endowed universities would be taxed under a socialistic government, Mr. Page said he thought not, because the government would get all the money first by income taxes from individuals who were intending to donate it to a college. Everyone, with an income of $1500 or over, including students, would be required to pay an income tax.

"If this country is over to have a socialistic form of government," Mr. Page explained, "we must start changing the public mind now, and in spite of repeated setbacks, keep voting for socialist candidates. This is the only way a change will over come." When asked if a socialistic settlement might not be organized as an experiment and example, he declared that it would take too long, and that the socialists must tackle the country as a whole in order to succeed.

At the end of the morning meeting a vote had been taken to ask Dean W. B. Donham '98 to debate with Mr. Page on "Is the end of capitalism at hand."
