
News from the Houses

Stockton, Check, and Buch Chosen to Assist Hallowell

P. K. Stockton '34, D. B. Cheek '34, and R. P. Buch '34 were named to form a committee in charge of Dunster House athletics at a meeting of the House committee yesterday. This group, which will be headed by Stockton, will work with N. P. Hallowell, Jr. '32.

Election of a Sophomore member of the House committee will be held by balloting shortly. R. H. Dana, III '34, J. H. Dean '34, R. M. Gummere, Jr. '34, and H. G. Pearson, Jr. '34 have been nominated; additional nominations may be made by petitions signed by ten members of the House and handed to J. DeQ. Briggs, Jr. '32 before Wednesday, November 17.

The committee voted to extend the use of the squash courts, except between 4 and 6 o'clock, to former members of the House. Monday, December 21, was the date chosen for the "annual" Christmas entertainment. The entertainment committee, headed by Robert Saltonstall, Jr. '33, has secured the services of Roy Lamson for the tea dance following the Yale game.
