
In the Graduate Schools

Club-House to be Scene of Tea-Dances After Football Games

A series of entertainments is planned by the Business School Students Club for the Fall and Spring seasons, C. B. Ripley 2G.B., president of the club, announced last night. Three dances will be given at the club house during the football season, after the Harvard-Dartmouth, Harvard-Yale, and Dartmouth-Stanford games. Subscription to these will be $1.00.

Three balls are planned, on December 11, February 5, and March 25; the latter date, however, has not been definitely decided upon. Tickets will be $3.00. These will be the only dances sponsored by the club this year.

Registration Increases

At Morgan Hall it was announced yesterday that registration in the Business School has increased this year. The second year men number 440 and as a result there are ten more men in each of the elective courses. In addition there have been practically no withdrawals as in former years. Current business conditions are considered responsible in some measure for the increased enrolment. Graduate schools at Princeton, Yale, and other universities and colleges have reported that the number of men from the classes of 1931 who have entered graduate work is from 40 to 70 per cent. higher than is usual with graduating classes.
