

Seven Harvard and Three Technology Students Become Directors -- Other Officers Nominated

At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Harvard Cooperative Society held Wednesday, officers for the coming year were nominated, according to a statement issued Saturday by Manager G. E. Cole. Seven of the directors nominated are from Harvard, three of whom represent the three upper classes in the College; the remaining three nominees are from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 1931, the Society listed 9238 members from Harvard, to whom $89000 will be given in dividends. Dividend checks will be ready for distribution on October 14.

The list of officers, stockholders, and directors nominated is as follows: W. W. Donham '99, J. MacA. Maguire, stockholders for five years; H. S. Thompson '99, president; A. W. Scott '09, vice-president; Walter Humphreys, secretary; J. L. Taylor, treasurer; and other directors, Delmar Leighton '19, A. C. Redfield '13, from Harvard at large: H. S. Ford, Jasper Whiting, from M. I. T. at large; C. P. Biddle, from officers of Harvard; K. B. Murdock '16, from alumni of Harvard; C. L. Wilson, from students of M. I. T.; and R. N. Clark '32, B. K. Bachrach '33, Theodore Chase '34, from the undergraduates in Harvard.
