

"England has been training only leaders, America followers. Each nation has discovered and is correcting its error... America, in the name of equality, has allowed her higher institutions to be clogged with a mass of reluctant, if not inferior, minds. Not over 75 per cent at St. Paul's School has the urge for higher education. . . Sound, sane informed leadership has failed the nation more and more as she has extended her system of wideopen training schools.

"The 'educated American' is still lacking in vital intellectual interests. . . The junior college movement has not had time to make clear its full meaning. . . The notable experiments now in train at Harvard and Yale, anticipated by a generation in the thwarted plans of Woodrow Wilson, are attempts to recapture the advantages of the old-fashioned American college.

"If the Harvard and Yale Houses are to be merely administrative units, not completely autonomous units, the results, though they may be important, will certainly not be Oxonian."
