

Is Given Prize for Outstanding Senior Entering Law School--Government Scholarship Awarded to Popper

Three prize scholarship awards, two for Seniors and one for a member of the class of 1931, were announced at University Hall yesterday. W. B. Wood, Jr. '32, of Milton, is the recipient of the Francis H. Burr Scholarship, awarded for scholarship, athletic ability, and leadership. D. H. Popper '32, of White Plains, N. Y., receives the Charles J. Bonaparte Scholarship for the Senior having the highest academic standing in the field of Government. Sturtevant Burr '31, of Brookline, Massachusetts, a member of the first year class in the Law School, is awarded the Endicott Peabody Saltonstall Prize which goes to an outstanding Senior entering the Harvard Law School.

Wood, winner of the Burr Scholarship, prepared at Milton Academy. He is captain of the Harvard football team this fall. He holds sports letters in football, hockey, and baseball, is the ranking New England tennis player, president of his class, president of the Student Council, and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa in the Junior Eight. The scholarship was established in memory of Francis H. Burr '09, by his friends. It is awarded to that undergraduate "who combines as nearly as possible Burr's remarkable qualities." The recipient is selected in the middle of his third year by the Dean of the College and the Chairman of the Athletic Committee, and receives the gift in his fourth year.

Popper, winner of the Bonaparte Scholarship, prepared at White Plains High School. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, having been elected in the Junior Eight. He is president of the Liberal Club and vice-president of the New England Model League of Nations Assembly. The preference in the award of this scholarship is given to "students who have demonstrated an interest in the study of American government and who give promise of helping in after life to promote higher standards in government and citizenship."

Sturtevant Burr, winner of the Saltonstall Prize, prepared at Brookline High School. He was a member of the Cross Country Team while in college, and graduated with the degree A.B. Magna cum Laude in English last June. The prize of $260, established in 1926 by the friends of Endicott Peabody Saltonstall. A. B. '94, LL.B '97, is "to be awarded by the Deans of Harvard College and the Harvard Law School to that Senior in Harvard College proposing to enter the Harvard Law School who shall be considered to be best fitted, by intellect, character, and physique, to be influenced by Saltonstall's example and in turn to influence others.
