
Just a Bowl of Mummies


The tickets for the Yale-Army game are quite well centered. The cheering ought to be good.

During the Georgia game, it was like playing football in a grave. It took so long for the stands to recover from depression that they hardly got excited on Booth's long run. Any bonehead knows that is hard on the team.

The Army game is one game we are out to win. There is no use being sophisticated about it. If necessary, students should resort to ways and means of banishing the sophistication. Good results were attained somehow in Chicago. They need to be attained again.

Enthusiasm and spirit are getting so worn out by misuse around Yale that it is criminal to bring them up. But is is more criminal to make a bunch of athletic captains and managers do calesthenic exercises to amuse a bunch of mummies in the Bowl.

And, frankly speaking, it looks better to cheer a little louder when the team is behind. It is too bad such a suggestion should be relevant at Yale. Yale News
