

Ten Students Selected for First Group and Eight for Second--Debates are Being Arranged for Year

As a result of the trials held recently by the Harvard Debating Council, eighteen men have been selected who will compose the first and second squads in coming debates, it was announced yesterday by R. B. Eckles '32, president of the Council. Those who have been accepted on the first squad are: D. J. Boorstin '34, R. H. Cohen '32, R. B. Eckles '32, C. L. Harriss '34, M. A. Hoffman '34, Robert Mandel '34, S. M. Peyser '34, A. C. Phillips '34, P. C. Reardon '32, D. M. Sullivan '33.

The members of the second squad are: R. H. Amberg '33, R. H. Heindel '33, G. G. Johnson '34, A. P. Levach '32, G. F. Oest '33, Dudley Robinson '32, Isadore Rosenblatt '34, and Harold Saxe '34.

Several debates have been tentatively arranged and it is expected that an announcement will be made in the near future. Men already in the Council who were unable to be present at the trials last week will have another opportunity to try out at Phillips Brooks House next Wednesday at 7.30 o'clock. Members will be expected to speak at that time on a subject to be announced later. Other men wishing to be on the debating team will be given an opportunity at the second trials, to be held in December.
