

Texans Excell in Passing Attack and Will Probably Take to Air Route in Stadium Struggle

According to football officials here, Harvard will have no easy time handling the Longhorns in the Stadium on Saturday. The Crimson lineup, with Moushegian as well as Esterly definitely out of the game, will find itself facing a heavy Texas eleven with a reputation of treating its opponents none too gently.

Although the Westerners cannot boast of a clean record like Harvard's, their one loss to Rice College was by a narrow margin, and last weekend gave them a victory over Oklahoma. Most of the Texans are veterans of a team which last year showed much brilliant passing ability. While forward passing has played only a small part in their games so far, it is suspected that they are saving some surprises in that line for Saturday's contest, an objective at which they have been aiming for more than a year.

Team A has Contact Work

Team A yesterday received its first contact work as a unit since the West Point game. Faxon took Hardy's place in the scrimmage against the scrubs although Hardy ran through signal drills. It was purely an offensive workout for the University team, with most of the plays being started off from the 50-yard line. Crickard showed up particularly well.

Considerable time was spent on fundamentals under Coach Nelson. In the latter part of the scrimmage the Scrubs, although somewhat hampered by lack of knowledge, attempted to put on a number of Texas plays, chiefly forwards, double passes, and hidden ball plays.


The Team A lineup--Nazro, l.e.; Faxon, l.t.; Bancroft, l.g.; Cunningham, c.; Talbot, r.g.; Kopans, r.t.; Hageman, r.e.; Wood, q.b.; Crickard, l.h.b.; Schereschewsky, r.h.b.; White, f.b.
