The Harvard CRIMSON, published by and for students says that Harvard should not play football with Army.
The editorial writer of the CRIMSON says that the two institutions have nothing in common and that, anyhow, Army permits men on its team who have played football for three years in college before going to West Point. The CRIMSON points out that more logical opponents could be found.
CRIMSON editorials should always be taken with about as much salt as there is in the Dead Sea. The young men of the editorial staff get together in the afternoon, put their feet on a table and say:
"What can we cook up for the morning that will make the town sit up and take notice?"
It is a recognized phase of youth to want to stir up things. We, who have been youths ourselves, would not have it otherwise. This sort of playful plotting often makes for progress.
And even we rise to the bait as we read that there is an "absence of interest common to Harvard men and the United States military machine."
Is it possible that the Harvard CRIMSON is becoming the Harvard Pink?" Boston Traveller.
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Anna Howard Shaw in Brattle Hall