

The initiative for the development of the possibilities of the house plan is now coming chiefly from the University rather than from the members of the houses as it should. There have been dances and musical programs, high tables and lectures, but they have all originated under the leadership of tutors and masters. If the houses are to fulfill their function there must be a corresponding initiative coming from the students.

Particularly at a time like this when the world is in the throes of economic and social disturbances which are little understood by the average layman and scarcely better understood by the specialist, there is a need for explanation and discussion of the important events which are making history for the future. In order to be able to play any part in the life which confronts a man on leaving college he must at least realize the problems with which his world is faced. In the University and in each of the houses there are many men, leaders in their line of study, who could be of valuable assistance in bringing these problems before the undergraduate and in helping him to clarify them to some degree.

Discussion of important events and theories in different fields should be of interest to many people. Whether gatherings should take the form of informal debate under some leader or should be merely a prepared talk by one with a particular knowledge of the matter, could be regulated by the nature of the subject. The houses could provide refreshment and the whole affair would take on the atmosphere of sociability which is so often lacking in meetings of the kind. The important fact is that the initiative should come from students who are sufficiently alive to take advantage of the opportunity which the house plan has afforded them.
