

The Fine Arts Department has just announced a modification of the general examinations of the type suggested by the Student Council report. Although this change applies only to honors men, it will be at any rate a great improvement.

Formerly candidates for distinction in this field were required to take the general, divisional, and oral examinations at the same time during the senior year as the thesis was due. Concentration in Fine Arts is so arranged that a student must have a knowledge distributed over the various periods of art and must then specialize in one particular field. The department has advanced the general examination to the end of the junior year, thus allowing a student to devote all his attention to his special subject and his thesis.

The advantages of this course are obvious. However, the change should not be limited to honor men, but should be extended to all concentrators, who would benefit equally. It would supply the fundamentals necessary to further and more detailed study and would also allow more time for the pursuit of this advanced work. If this could be accomplished the Department would find itself on a more logical working basis.
