Taking over the supreme executive position of Massachusetts today, Governor Ely proposed sound solutions for the current problems. The first democratic governor that this state has had for fifteen years declared a policy that embodies constructive propositions but which at the same time is conservative. The most significant proposal is his plan for aiding the unemployed.
For this purpose he wants a bond issue for $20000000 authorized and an emergency fund created to be used in the construction of public works. That he does not intend this money to be used as a dole is a tribute to his integrity and to the soundness of his ideas. He is not letting the voting power of the workers turn his head from the loss in efficiency that the dole would bring among them. The method by which he proposes to use the funds will enable the jobless to get work and thus get enough to keep themselves and their families alive. At the same time their work will be productive and of great benefit in the future. When a time of prosperity returns the funds spent can be repaid by an increase in the taxes which people will then be able to bear more easily.
More commendable than the plan itself is the cooperation which it shows with President Hoover. Here is a democratic governor following without reservation the example set by a republican President. He realizes that cooperation between the states and the nation is the quickest way to bring this country out of the depression and to reduce the number of our unemployed. He is broad-minded enough not' to let party affiliations overshadow the imperative needs of the times.
Whether any of these proposals will reach maturity will depend on the governor's ability to influence and at the same time not to influence and at the same time not to antagonize a legislature whose party affiliations are not his own. If he succeeds in this, he will be generally regarded as a worthy and able governor.
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